Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Nathan's 3rd Birthday Party

Wow! I am so, so late on this. So late, in fact, that we just had Emma's first birthday party this past weekend. I felt that I should post about N's party first, though, SINCE IT WAS TWO MONTHS AGO!

I love to throw a party. I love the planning, the preparing and the fun that goes along with it. It is something that consumes me. Nathan loves the zoo, we were in the middle of a move back to Houston, so I figured we would have his 3rd birthday at the zoo! We did a whole zoo/safari theme and it was a blast! We weren't allowed to decorate the walls, which was a bummer, but oh well.

Here are some pictures from his party. First up is his cake--loved it and it was soooo yummy! We have a tradition now where the same lady, Misty, makes all the cakes for the kids' birthdays and other special parties.

We also did a candy buffet. His party started at 10 in the morning, so we didn't serve lunch. Instead, we had the candy buffet, the cake, and a fruit tray.

For the favors, I filled little take out boxes with different goodies for the kids--there was zoo bubble gum, a blower thingy, chapstick for the girls, a little zoo animal parachute, and animal cookies.

We had a few babies at the party, too. SO, I filled zoo sippy cups full of Crunchies. Emma is in love with them!

I had a little photo op for the kids, but it didn't get much use. They mainly stayed by the candy buffet. ;)

We also had carousel tickets for the kids. I think N rode the carousel half a dozen times. He loved it.

The pavilion was at the Children's section of the zoo, so after the party, we spent some time there. They have a playground, a petting zoo, and a little show.

The show was actually pretty funny. We walked in on the end and the guy was taking kid volunteers from the audience. Well, I guess N just figured that kids could walk up there. So, next thing I know, my baby is walking up on stage. I am saying, "Nathan, Nathan! Come back here." But my shy little boy just kept walking. They guy was a good sport about it once he found out it was N's birthday and kept him upon stage. N had to stick his hand in a box and guess what was in it. He guessed right--a turtle!


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I am a mommy to three wonderful kids and a wife to one great husband. I love to find new, fun things to keep my kiddos entertained--especially now that I have three of them!
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