Saturday, March 5, 2011

Despicable Me

If you have not see Despicable Me, then you need to RUN out and rent/buy it! It is so darn cute and the kids both love it. Garett and I have even watched it several times! N and E both know several of the lines from it and the main song. Emma loves to sing it all the time. She'll even change up the words from time to time, saying "Despicable Mommy" or "Despicalbe Daddy" at the end. One time, when she had a poopy diaper, my little comedian came up to me and sang, "I'm having a bad, bad diaper. Its about time that I get my way, Steam rolling whatever I see, Uhhhh Despicable DIAPER!" And then cracked up laughing.


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I am a mommy to three wonderful kids and a wife to one great husband. I love to find new, fun things to keep my kiddos entertained--especially now that I have three of them!
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