Friday, December 4, 2009


It is actually snowing in Houston! Can you believe it? What next? The Saints winning the Super Bowl? ;)

I took the kids out for a few minutes. I am ashamed to say that neither of the kids has a heavy coat yet--I mean, we usually don't need one--so we didn't stay out too long. They both loved it, but little E was so not ready to come in!

Then later, our friend Lisa came over with her daughter. They stayed for a bit and then played in the snow. N and I even made a tiny baby snow man!

Plus, rumor has it, Garett's office closes early today!

What a great snow day!


About Me

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I am a mommy to three wonderful kids and a wife to one great husband. I love to find new, fun things to keep my kiddos entertained--especially now that I have three of them!
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